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To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter 6
Мужская часть ваших читателей могла охладеть желанием читать эту историю, потому что "она же написана девчонкой!", но вам надо сразу сказать, что у этой девчонки есть брат, а еще каждое лето приезжает друг Дилл, и они организуют целую мафию против всех!
В предыдущей главе все закончилось тем, что Джем был пристыжен Аттикусом и от этого сгоряча оскорбил и его, и дело, которым он занимается и вообще устроил все то, что обычно устраивают мальчишки в его возрасте своим родителям. В этот раз мы узнаем, что Джема никогда не пороли и он оказывается очень дорожит своими отношениями с отцом.
У данной статьи есть меню в правом верхнем углу!

"One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes" by the Brothers Grimm. One of the many German fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm. In it, Little Two-Eyes is a young girl shunned by her mother and two sisters, who hate her for having "normal" eyes. When a knight comes along, Little Two-Eyes's sisters hide her under a cask in the hopes that the knight will speak to them, instead. This doesn't work out for the two sisters, and Little Two-Eyes winds up marrying the knight. Jem alludes to this story to suggest that he and Scout are Little One-Eye and Little Three-Eyes, respectively.


Sound. This is the first chapter where sound (and the lack of it) makes a real impact on the narrative. As the children walk down the street, they listen to the sounds of porches creaking, lights flickering, distant characters laughing. Lee uses these sounds to create an apprehensive feeling in the reader and contribute to the spooky mood associated with the Radleys. The creeping silence they hear is broken by the loud blast of Mr. Nathan Radley's shotgun, which scares the children both because it's a deadly weapon and because the sound is so forceful. Later that same night, when the silence sets in again, Scout and Jem have trouble falling asleep, because they think any little sound could be Boo Radley coming to get them.

Как уже написано выше, по данной главе можно хорошо потренировать sounds&noises, а также предметы мебели, сада и т.д.
В quizlet у меня уже есть отличный урок по теме "Home Sweet Home", к которому можно присоединиться и тренировать себя на заучивание слов. Что касается лексики представленной в главе, то в этот раз предлагаю приготовить для учеников картинки и слова, кто догадался, это pair matching:)

А эти слова я бы дала в роли "pre-teaching vocabulary"
bewilderment: confusion
cherub: a fat, winged baby angel
collards: a leafy green vegetable
desolate: sorrowful, joyless
kudzu: a fast-growing vine and invasive weed malignant: cancerous, deadly
ramshackle: rundown
respiration: breathing
teetered: went back and forth

Short quizzes to assess reading comprehension
Я всегда сначала спрашиваю, что вообще было понятно из прочитанной главы, какие моменты больше всего запомнились, понравились/не понравились, а затем "добиваю" своими вопросами. Не оцениваю ответы, как правильные или нет. Это определенно точно должна быть дискуссия, которая должна лишь помочь понять суть текста глубже. Ни в коем случае не забывайте интересоваться личным опытом своих учащихся.
1. What are Jem and Dill doing as the chapter opens?

2. List the four reasons Jem and Dill give for deciding to peek into the Radley window on this particular night.

3. Who shoots a gun and at whom?

4. Jem wants to return to the Radley yard and fetch his pants so he can stay out of trouble with Atticus. Scout wants Jem to leave the pants where they are and face the consequences with Atticus. With which child do you agree? Why? Answers will vary.

5. Why does Jem risk going back to the Radley house? What is a worse consequence to him than being shot?

6. Why is Jem's decision significant to Scout? In what way do they "part ways" at this moment?

Keys (chapter 5)
1. How are the dynamics among Scout, Jem, and Dill changing?
Scout is now routinely left out of games because she is a girl, and Jem and Dill play together while Scout sits with Miss Maudie. The three of them are no longer children in the same way, and gender is creeping in to affect their lives.

2. Describe Miss Maudie Atkinson. How typical is she of Maycomb's women? What do the children think of her?
Miss Maudie is one of Atticus' neighbors and about 10 years younger than him (she's about the same age as Jack). She loves gardening and allows the children to run around her yard and eat her grapes, as long as they don't damage her owers. When she bakes, she also makes three small cakes for Scout, Jem, and Dill. She is a Southern lady, but her ways are a bit contrary to the typical women of Maycomb. Miss Maudie would rather be outside in her garden than inside reading her Bible, and she is criticized by some for this. The children like Miss Maudie, but don't really spend much time with her. In this summer, though, Scout isn't invited along with Jem and Dill all the time, so she starts spending part of her evening with Miss Maudie on her porch, watching the sun set. She says that Miss Maudie "is the best lady I know."

3. Miss Maudie says, "...sometimes the Bible in the hands of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hand of—oh, of your father." Explain what she means.
She means that some toxic men, like Boo Radley's father, can use the Bible, a good book, to justify doing terrible things, like locking up an errant son. She compares Mr. Radley to Atticus, a good man who couldn't do much damage even on his worst day. Some men are good and will always do good, no matter what. Other men are damaged and will cause pain in the world, no matter what.

4. According to Miss Maudie, how do you define a "foot-washing Baptist"? Who is the example she gives?
Miss Maudie talks to Scout about Mr. Radley, Boo's father, whom she calls a foot-washing Baptist. They are so religious as to believe anything that gives pleasure is a sin and take every word of the Bible as truth. Miss Maudie says they believe she is going to hell because she spends too much time in her yard gardening rather than inside reading the Bible.

5. What does Miss Maudie mean by saying, "Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets"?
Atticus is a man of integrity. He doesn't pretend to believe in one thing and then act differently when he thinks no one will notice.

6. What does Miss Maudie tell Scout about Boo? How does this compare with what Scout already believes?
She explains that Arthur (she uses his real name instead of "Boo") is alive and just prefers to stay inside. When Scout asks if Boo is crazy, Miss Maudie says that he might be and the craziness might've been caused by staying inside for so long. Remember, she loves being outside and this line makes me think of cabin fever/being stir crazy.

7. Scout says that "Dill Harris could tell the biggest" lies she ever heard. Why might Dill have told such lies?
Dill must have a troubled home life. He doesn't really know who his father is and his mother has to send him to live with his aunt every summer. To avoid embarrassment, Dill has started to lie about his father's identity. In part, he does this to appear more interesting to his friends. He also, though, is probably sad that he doesn't have a strong male in uence (someone like Atticus) to be his father. The lies help smooth things over for Dill.

8. What new communication plan do Jem and Dill hatch to talk to Boo?
They affix a note to Boo to a shing pole, asking him to come outside so they can buy him ice cream. They plan to drop the note near the window and have a bell to signal danger in case someone comes and sees them. Instead of being afraid of Boo, they are beginning to develop empathy toward him.

9. What happens when the children try to lure Boo outside?
Atticus catches them in the act and is furious with them. He forbids them to play their game about Boo Radley, or try to communicate with him or harass him in any way.

10. Paraphrase Atticus' speech about the Radleys' right to privacy. Do you agree with his point of view? Why or why not?
He says that a family has a right to keep to themselves and be left alone. He wants the children to stop their games with the Radleys and move on to something else. Students' answers will vary about agreement/disagreement. Some will say it's all just harmless childhood fun; others will say it's not appropriate to mock, even if it's unintentional, the trials that a family has endured.

Ключи к четвертой главе появятся в следующей статье к Chapter 5
Short-Answer Quizzes

1. What is Mr. Avery's claim to fame?

2. What is the children's new plan in Chapter 6?

3. Where do the children sleep in the summer?

4. What are some of the nicknames that Jem gives Scout?

5. Why do the children spit on the gate?

6. How do you know that Jem respects his father?

7. What does Jem lose when he goes to the Radley Place?

8. What false story does Dill tell about the missing pants?

9. What promise/understanding exists between Scout and Dill?

10. How does Atticus take care of the poker problem?

Answers (Chapter 5)
1. Scout begins to spend time with Miss Maudie Atkinson.

2. She considers time spent indoors time wasted. She prefers to spend as much time as possible working in her garden.

3. She has never told on them; she has always been honest with them; she does not pry.

4. The children try to send a message by tying it on a fishing line.

5. She means that Atticus is a man of integrity; the face he presents in public does not differ from the face he presents at home.

6. He yells for Miss Maudie to come out and marry him.

7. He threatens Jem with the possibility that Jem may not become a lawyer.

8. Jack means that he would tease Miss Maudie before she could tease him.

9. She means that most of the things told about Arthur are superstition and gossip.

10. Miss Maudie pushes out her false teeth for Scout to see.

The Response Journal
Мне порой очень нравится брать вопросы из RJ не только, как письменные задания, но также для наших "обуждалок". Здесь нет правильных и неправильных ответов. Это должна быть дискуссия, которая поможет понять суть текста глубже. Вы также можете сделать этот вид заданий в устном виде, если внеклассное чтение не то, на что вы хотите тратить более 15 минут от урока. Просто воспользуйтесь этими вопросами и переходите к основной части запланированного.
  • 1 Describe Jem, Scout, and Dill's nighttime excursion. What do they do? What occurs that interrupts their attempt to peek inside a window at the Radley house?
  • 2 How does the author create the atmosphere of a summer night in Jem and Scout's neighborhood? Which descriptive details help you see, hear, and feel the time and place?
  • 3 The relationships among the children have changed since Jem and Scout first met Dill. Why does Scout sometimes feel left out when she is with Jem and Dill? What is new in Dill's attitude toward Scout? Why do you think these changes have occurred among them?
  • 4 Describe how the author creates suspense in this chapter through Scout's description of the events. Which details create a sense of danger and make you wonder what's going to happen next?
  • 5 Why do you suppose Jem, Scout, and Dill persist in pursuing Boo Radley, despite being told by Atticus to stop bothering Boo? Do you understand what drives them to continue? If so, explain their actions from their point of view.
  • 6 Why is it so important to Jem to retrieve his pants from the Radley fence? How does it relate to his feelings about Atticus?

S for Summary

Очень здорово, если вы заставляете просите своих пташек писать саммери по прочитанному материалу. Это помогает сконцентрироваться на основной идее, выявить ее и продемонстрировать собственными словами. Причем саммери можно писать не только по книге, но по лекции, подкасту, фильму. Самое главное, это не интерпретация материала, но основанный на фактах сгусток мысли. Примерное саммери, представленное ниже, предлагаю показать студентам после того, как вы проанализируете их собственные работы. Таким образом, к середине книги ваши ребята будут асы в написании таких штук.
That summer, Dill proposes to Scout and then forgets about it. Despite Scout's attempts to jog his memory by beating him up, Dill ignores her and grows closer and closer to Jem. This frees her to spend more time with their neighbor, Miss Maudie Atkinson, a middle-aged woman who likes to garden and lets the Finch children run through her yard as much as they like as long as they don't disturb her azaleas. Miss Maudie knew Scout's uncle, Jack Finch, a strange man who proposed to her every Christmas by shouting across the street. She never married him and is, in fact, a widow, having been married to a man we never meet, but that doesn't stop Uncle Jack from trying to get her goat, so to speak.

One evening, Scout asks Miss Maudie if Boo is alive, and she explains that his real name is Mr. Arthur Radley and that of course he's alive. His father, Mr. Radley, was a foot-washing Baptist (as opposed to a regular Baptist like Miss Maudie), and this appears to have had some effect on Boo, though it's unclear what it is, exactly. According to Miss Maudie, most of the gossip about Boo comes from Stephanie Crawford and the African American community, which is commonly believed to be more superstitious than the rest of Maycomb. Miss Maudie didn't put any stock in this gossip, though.

The next morning, Jem and Dill tell her about their cockamamie plan to send Boo a note through the broken shutter on the side of the Radley house. Jem plans to do this by sticking the note to an old fishing pole and trying to drop it onto the windowsill. This is, unsurprisingly, ineffective, and Atticus catches them in the act. He gives them a long lecture about not tormenting Boo, and then uses his skill as a lawyer to trick the truth about the play out of Jem. Jem, who used to say that he wanted to be a lawyer like Atticus, waits until Atticus is out of earshot to yell that he isn't so sure he wants to be a lawyer after the way Atticus treated him.

Suggested Essay Topics

1. Why did Jem return for his pants?

2. Why were the children going to spy on Arthur Radley on the last night of summer?

Вот такой интересный урок может получится, если взять данный lesson plan за пример. Посредством таких двухнедельных чтений в канву урока вы также сможете вплести тему написания эссе, book review, summary, и конечно же обсуждения. Я уверена, что с такими заданиями вы поможете пережить своим учащимся нечто новое на ваших занятиях.
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